May 21, 2024
My husband Dan attended a work conference a couple weekends
ago in Banff, Alberta.
It was a gathering of female physicians with a focus on mental
I wasn’t there. But it was a shock to Dan that so many women
are struggling getting their partners on board with the day to day
tasks that make adulting feel so hard.
Women do so much. It’s called the “invisible
workload” and it encompasses the intangible and often unnoticed
tasks and responsibilities involved in managing a household and
even more so in your case, the fertility journey.
It’s very common for women to struggle to create a more
equal role of responsibility on the fertility journey. Not sharing
the responsibility of this journey with your partner adds a ton of
pressure to the woman, while also making her feel fully responsible
to “make it happen.”
This week, I interviewed my husband Dan on the Fertile Ground
podcast to create common ground towards a solution. I’m so excited
for you to listen! (And omg can I just tell you – I am so in love
with this man.)
Men are different. They think and do things differently. But
this doesn’t mean we can’t come together to achieve our goals and
live a beautiful life… where we take on equal roles to make sure
everyone is rested and happy
TBH, making this transition to equality wasn’t easy for Dan
and I. But you can listen and learn from our mistakes
This week you will learn the 3 steps on how to create more
equality in your partnership:
Accept that men and women are different (and why this isn’t a
bad thing).
Disarm each other when you get activated.
How to ask for what you want and need from each
You’re gonna LOVEEEE this episode!
A weight is going to be lifted off of your
The pressure isn’t yours to hold mama bear.
Listen now!