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Fertile Ground: A mind-body approach to getting pregnant - without it taking over your life.

Nov 12, 2019

I’m not gonna be a broken record right now and tell you how “meditation is so good for fertility.” Thanks tips. Am I right? You’ve heard it 1479 times before. Maybe you’ve heard it so much that you feel like if you’re not doing it, you’re a bad person. At least that’s how I used to feel… I knew that it was good for me. Yet, my monkey mind had so much resistance to doing it. It would say that meditation is boring AF. But at the SAME time, I also knew how important it was (is) for me to feel connected – and if I stayed consistent – not like every-single-day consistent, but most-days consistent - meditation always left me feeling plugged into the Universe. So I developed a simple, easy, and believe it or not, PLEASURABLE practice that I know contributed greatly to the conception of my baby. Check out this weeks brand new podcast to learn: How to overcome any monkey mind objections you have to meditation and visualization so that you can stay consistent with your practice and start to see real-life results. WHY they work so effectively ad HOW they strengthen your mind-body-fertility connection. How to sign up for my brand new product: More Fertile in 15 – 15-minute guided meditations that’ll leave you more fertile, happier and actually works. Listen now, gorgeous!